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Mark Anthony Sutton Co-Founder & Director of The PBCG PROJECT, NAACP Pasadena Ca second vice president and Criminal Justice Chairman. cognitive behavior trainer gang prevention/intervention  and violence interrupter  expert.
 We are here to serve our community. 

Testimonials Of Transformation

"upon my release from prison I had no idea what direction my life would go until I was offered a opportunity to work  by the PBCG and now I'm making $200,000 a year and raising my son''

Noah Edward Hall


"the cognitive training that was given to me through the PBCG has allowed me to see how my behavior was sabotaging my life I am now a productive hard-working man of integrity thanks to this organization.

Martin Davis


My family has been struggling, this organization position offered us food and shelter I am very grateful The PBCG Project came into our life and changed my family life.  I am thankful for their help!

La Siesta


We partnered with Outward Bound’ Adventures job readiness https://www.obainc.org/
We partnered with Outward Bound’ Adventures job readiness https://www.obainc.org/
Partnered with I Can Founder Rock Head, food giveaway
Partnered with I Can Founder Rock Head, food giveaway
Jim Brown Sports Hall of Famer, actor humanitarian and founder of American-I-Can myself Mark Anthony Sutton Director of PBCG and Rock Head.
Jim Brown Sports Hall of Famer, actor humanitarian and founder of American-I-Can myself Mark Anthony Sutton Director of PBCG and Rock Head.

Mission statement 

The PBCG PROJECT wraparound service nonprofit organization that provides comprehensive, cohesive support to individuals and families facing complex challenges. This model focuses on addressing a wide range of needs—emotional, social, educational, financial, and physical—by offering a holistic approach tailored to each client's unique circumstances.   .


   To help organizations and community thrive together 


   Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Team Membership and  Collaboration

 Core Expertise 

. The PBCG organization. core expertise is Cognitive Training, Violence Interruption Gang Prevention/intervention housing and jobs/readness.  We also assist individuals with expungement. psychotherapist assistance. we work with organizations and agencies in helping communities with food giveaway and, more…

    These are some of the collaborations that we are engaged within our communities. 

 Urban Saddles  saddles.org                                                 Cowboys 4 A Cause www.cowboys4acause.org 

outward Bound adventures https://www.obainc.org

Empower Youth Edutainment www.empoweryoue.org

American -I-Can foundation at www.amer-i-can..org
Los Angeles urban league at www.laul.org
Healthy African American Families     www.haafii.com
I Can Youth Foundation www.icanyfc.org 
Dr. scott Larsen  www.udemy.com 
Daniel Tocchini www.bloodandethos.com 
 NAACP Pasadena www.naacppasadena.org Flintridge Center www.flintridge.org


595 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 204, Pasadena 91104

 Mark Anthony Sutton, CEO
Marjorie  Lewis  COO

Beverly Jones CFO

Ricky Pickins , program assistant
CONTACT US  AT (626 ) 704-0185 All rights reserved 2021
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